Hanna Clarke
Digital and Policy Manager
E-mail: hanna.clarke@constructionproducts.org.uk
Hanna is Digital and Policy Manager at the CPA. Her background is in Facilities Management where she gained specialisation in planned preventative maintenance data architecture for Computer Assisted Facilities Management (CAFM) systems, ergonomic logistics and innovation.
Hanna joined CPA in August 2017 and works predominantly on the Post-Grenfell and Digital projects and policy. She represents CPA at the Industry Response Group initiated by Government to steer actions to make existing buildings safe in the wake of the Grenfell disaster. She works closely with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), the new Building Safety Regulator (Health and Safety Executive) and the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) on the construction product and competence work resulting from the Dame Judith Hackitt review. Hanna sits on the IRG Competence Steering Group (CSG), is chair of the CSG Strategy Group and is Co-Chair of WG12 Product Competence Group, and lead author of the Built environment – Proposed construction products competence standard – white paper. She was the CPA Lead on the CPA Marketing Integrity Group developing the Code for Construction Product Information, and contributes to the CPA Technical Committee. She is also key in pushing forward on the LEXiCON project, standardisation around product data, and digitally connecting the supply chain and works closely the Construction Leadership Council (CLC).
Hanna led on the publication of the CPA sponsored PAS 14191:2020 Built environment – Management and operation of interconnected construction data dictionaries – Specification. She sits on the BSI standards committee B/555 – Construction design, modelling and data exchange and on the steering group for BS 8644:2021 – Digital management of Fire Safety Information for Design, Construction, Handover and Emergency Response. Code of Practice. Hanna also sat on the Advisory Group for BSI Flex 8670 v3.0 Built environment – Overarching framework for competence of individuals – Specification and on the Advisory Group for the upcoming BS 8670.