Industry Leadership

Ethical Leadership and Product Information Management, Governance and Compliance

The construction products industry faces significant changes in the coming months and years ahead. The Grenfell Inquiry put a public spotlight on the sector and exposed shortcomings in our industry’s leadership, culture and ethics with regards to building safety. The subsequent regulatory changes expected from the Building Safety Act will impact every part of the construction industry, including manufacturers.

Liability will become a central concern for manufacturers with the Act giving the DLUHC Secretary of State power to issue cost contribution orders again construction product companies (or ‘economic operators’ - manufacturers, authorised representatives, importers and distributors). They will be forced to contribute towards the cost of remediation works when the use of their products has caused or contributed to dwellings being unfit for habitation.

Our industry must be prepared for this, as well as the following developments on the horizon:

  • The work of the new Recovery Strategy Unit, set up by DLUHC
  • The Grenfell Inquiry Report, to be published September 2024
  • The subsequent media scrutiny of industry and potential criminal prosecutions
  • The secondary legislation of the Building Safety Act 2022
  • A new Construction Products Regulator and Building Safety Regulator

CPA Members Boardroom Toolkit

We encourage individuals within our membership to use these resources to help make the case for pursuing ethical leadership and culture, including verification against the Code for Construction Product Information, to their senior leadership teams.

The CPA will be closely monitoring and responding to these changes and challenges, taking actions to protect, defend and promote the industry. All CPA members however can be taking steps now to prepare and secure themselves for the future.

The CPA believes that a key priority for the construction products industry to focus on in light of the changes ahead is ethical leadership, governance, and compliance. Central to this is verification against the Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) and embedding ethical leadership and culture at the heart of the industry.

The CCPI responds directly to Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety to help make product information Clear, Accurate, Up-to-date, Accessible and Unambiguous. It will mark a step change for the industry by driving higher standards in construction product information management systems and assessing ethical leadership and culture standards.

It also makes strong business sense as well, providing third-party verification and increased assurance to clients, customers, and insurers.

Further information on the CPA’s role initiating the CCPI can be found here. Construction Product Information Ltd – a not-for-profit organisation providing independent verification has been set-up to administer the CCPI. Organisations can register their interest and join the CPI mailing list now on the CCPI website. CPI has a series on onboarding webinars you can also register for on the website. CPA encourages its members to register and start their journey towards higher standards in product information management systems, ethical leadership and culture.